Montessori Compatible Holiday Gift Guide

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For those who celebrate, Christmas is right around the corner. If you’re looking for a Montessori compatible gift, here are a few considerations when shopping

  • Keep it real! If you are thinking of gifting toy kitchen items or toy garden tools or even toy tools, consider giving the real thing instead. Children love to have an active role in adult life. They strive for independence as well as connection. You are not only giving the gift of kitchen or gardening tools, real tools and supplies give the gift of cooking or gardening together. (Sidenote: this is not to say that a play kitchen or toy tools are a bad idea. Imaginative play is an important part of development. One of my most cherished childhood toys was the Mickey Mouse kitchen that was housed in the corner of our kitchen in my childhood home. I remember going back and forth between cooking a pretend Thanksgiving dinner and helping my aunt make chocolate pies).

  • Look for simple toys made from high-quality materials. We know that young children are in the sensitive period for sensorial perception. Capitalize on that whenever possible by offering toys made from natural materials like wood, cloth or glass. Brightly colored electronic toys may seem more enticing; but simple, beautifully made toys inspire creativity and keep their interest in a more meaningful way. If a child can manipulate an open ended toy, they will get much more use out of it than from a flashy electronic toy.

  • Give creative gifts. Art supplies and musical instruments make wonderful gifts! Remember to keep it real and high quality. Offer beautiful art tools and mediums to spark inspiration and inspire creativity. Skip the toy instruments in favor of real rhythm instruments. Lessons for art and music are a great companion gift to art supplies and musical instruments.

  • Gift Experiences. Consider giving a trip, tickets to an event or passes to a local museum. Gifts like this offer connection and invaluable experiences and can often be used many times during the year. If you want to witness the joy of a child unwrapping a gift, consider a stuffed animal with a zoo membership or a science set with a membership pass.