Montessori Glossary: Language

Montessori language
montessori language

Language is one of my favorite aspects of Montessori and what my graduate research is focused on. Montessori referred to language as an agreement among a group of human beings. Language development in young children is so fascinating. Young children in their sensitive period for language have a limitless capacity for acquiring language and new vocabulary. Montessori capitalizes on the sensitive period for language by offering a language rich environment. Dr. Montessori herself only created three language materials: the sandpaper letters, the movable alphabet and the metal insets. She wrote of I Spy games and reading games, as well. This makes language open to whatever culture you are apart of. This can be beautiful and also confusing as you choose a path for reading and writing for your child. It seems like there are so many “Montessori” options out there. Download this glossary of some of the most common Montessori language terms. I hope it helps clarify things you are grow in your understanding of Montessori.