
It takes a village. You’ve heard the phrase, right? Well, it’s true. Children are not meant to be raised in a vacuum. And parents + caregivers aren’t meant to raise children alone. But not everyone has a built in village. That’s where we come in. We offer caregiver coaching to give you the tools to understand your child’s development and parent with confidence and compassion.


Parents are the experts on their children. We want to offer our expertise in child development in partnership with families. We offer one on one coaching sessions to support families with questions or concerns in all areas of parenting—from toileting to behavior struggles. Coaching sessions are offered in 60 minute sessions. They are simple—you answer a few questions about your child and your family and we set up a call. Book a coaching session here!


Interested in implementing Montessori principles into your home environment? We can help with that, too! Did you know that research suggests that parents are more likely to implement Montessori principles at home if they don’t have to abandon all of their current parenting practices? No matter your parenting style, background or family rhythm, you can implement Montessori at home in meaningful ways. Whole Child Collaborative offers parent coaching and education opportunities to support families as they bring the Montessori Philosophy into their homes and parenting.

Interested in getting started with Montessori at home? Reach out here!